This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Thursday, August 23, 2012

LANCE ARMSTRONG: Dope On A Rope: Tired of Fighting...Wllling To Throw It All Away (Hmmm)!

LANCE ARMSTRONG: "Say it isn't so, Joe" ('er, Lance): Armstrong Ends His Fight To Battle Doping Allegations!

Mon Dieu….too much to lose.   But it makes one wonder nonetheless.
I am not a fan of his anymore. It ended abruptly when he was interviewed once and made some disturbing remarks about Sheryl Crow whom he had just broken up with right smack in the middle of her own life battle against cancer.  One had to see it to be taken aback by it. Being a fan of both, I was immediately drawn to her side because she took the high road. His remarks just made him appear small and not such the philanthropist he wanted many to think he was. Personally the guy made himself look like a bum. 
Plus I did not like how he under sold members of his previous team mates who helped him with so many cycling victories all those years, some during his own fight against cancer when the cycling world turned their backs on Lance. Then there is his mistreatment of my fav American cyclist, George Hincapie (who was Lance’s good friend while serving as domestique for Lance during his 7 year reign and then some), during one of Lance's come-back attempts; 2009 Le Tour de France - that instance was to me the most appalling action by Armstrong; George and Lance ended up on different bike teams. That bully treatment by Lance over George took place that year during Stage 14 when Hincapie was purposely denied winning/donning of the yellow jersey (for one day) because of antics between two other teams and Lance's Team Astana also helped drive the knife into the ordeal and Lance did nothing. Even though he was the leader of Astana, he did not relegate his team to stand-down and it all coupled and led to Hincapie being denied the wearing of the much coveted maillot jaune; if even for just one day - it also denied history from being made and George from getting something he really wanted and rightly deserved. Karma is a real bitch and one pays for ones misdeeds, monsieur Armstrong.
Honestly, I really do hate to see Armstrong denied of all victories and such esp when doping allegations never were proven but it wound down to him having to be the one disprove it all and now he is tired and stands to lose all accolades; titles, trophies, and money - though the latter won't matter since he has since made millions and millions of dollars to make up for money he may have to pay back. It saddens me mostly because Lance did make this American woman take interest in cycling watching most major tours and esp made me eager to learn the logistics of it all which led me to love Le Tour most of all. As I lost interest in Lance, my love affair with Le Tour and other tours, and other keen cyclists continued and grew. 
If Lance loses everything as is alleged, sad as it may be, it is what it is. I may have a personal dislike for him, but certainly do not wish him any ill will like this. He can't keep fighting allegations each and every year and now he is ready to give up battling, but that makes one wonder; "Why not, Mr. Armstrong?" All that money and power and you are giving up now?
 Read more here via NY Times story:

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bidding Adieu To The 2012 London Olympics: Well Executed, Thanks For The Memories...'ELLO - Catch You Later, This Time Perhaps In Person!

 One word: WOW!  Bidding adieu to new-found friends, ideas, and sporting events as the 2012 London Olympics come to a close.  
All I can say is that Great Britain did a phenomenal job at putting together the event; it was such a huge, arduous task and bringing it to fruition for the last couple of weeks as they did was nothing short of awesome - a true success.  These games exposed the world to new sports and athletes as it should.  
The various NBC networks also excelled as it usually had events showing 24/7 on several of their respective channels.  Great Britain's IOC as well did a great job of making sure all events were televised according to importance or nature all the while ensuring as well that all events were streaming properly and timely for those who wanted to venture via the  Internet venue.  Their web site was the best thus far allowing fans to be interactive at the touch of a button.  Social media for once utilized properly (tagging and such at its best) which allowed millions from all around the world to be as one.  
Like it is when communicating via a phone, a text, email, social media and such with a wonderful, reliable, old friend who brings out not only the best in us but reminds us of good times perhaps even better times, we long for their company the moment we end the communication.  This is what the 2012 London games did for me, and though the closing ceremonies have yet to air, I miss the event and even the region already.  The feelings of melancholy which encompasses us as we say 'so long' to that one aforementioned friend inspires us to hop on a plane or get behind the wheel of a vehicle to see that friend in person.  We long for their company and mere e-communication no longer keeps us satisfied; we long for live visitation...we long for that human-touch!  Maybe yours truly who happens to be a sport's fanatic who seldom turns her nose at being a spectator of any sport once the logistics are learned will be further inspired to save her coins and plan a visit to London, to Great Britain, to Europe...heck why stop there - I want to visit so many continents and respective countries.  The time to put hesitation to rest and to throw caution to the wind is quickly approaching and planning such a world-wide trip is fast becoming more of a reality than a dream; priority for my 'bucket list'!
As I end this post I ponder with the truth that the entire world is wrapped in beauty and enraptures most to be different, a better kind of different somehow; to perhaps inspire us all to come out of our introverted shells to seek other things and other people.  To enlighten our minds and souls and to remember to always be mindful and open-minded of others and what they have to say and to offer.  
For U.S. citizens like myself, that we all humbly remember that as Americans we may live in an awesome country, but we are not the only one at its best or having the best to offer.  G-d bless the entire world!  This person, for one, is so ready to seek adventure in other regions of this wonderful world.  Let us all always remember to celebrate world-wide brotherhood as humans not defined by the country from which we reside, but by what resides in us.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Michael Phelps a.k.a. "The Baltimore Bullet", "The Flying Fish" also "The Man Who Could Be Part Dolphin": Congrats On Winning Medal # 22 today!

The Olympic world's most decorated athlete of all-time!
 American swimmer Michael Phelps swam his final Olympic race on Saturday, winning his 18th gold and 22nd overall medal with his United States teammates in the the 4x100 medley relay.