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Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Sunday, September 19, 2010

All things Texas Tech: A deer and a steer! Tech 14- Texas 24, an awful game for both teams!

Last night's game was almost unbearable to watch! Why?
Two things...1) Taylor Potts 2) Little to no Tech offense to back-up the awesome play of our Tech defense. Yes, it was our defense who first scored the first points, the first touchdown of only two which, Tech would manage to put up on the score board for the entire game. The only points Tech would actually have for the entire game came in the first half - zip in the second half. The Tech defense kept them in the game and kept UT from running away with the game thus keeping it a low-scoring game for them (UT) for the first time this season.

Taylor Potts looked like the quintessential "deer caught in the headlights". But don't give the Texas qb or their offense too many accolades for the 24 points they barely managed to squeeze together by the end of the game. Garrett Gilbert also was rattled the entire game. Gilbert and his offense only mustered just one touchdown themselves. The rest of their points came the way of their defense. Gilbert played the role of a steer in this game, folks. He played like he had been castrated, while our Potts played like he just wanted to surrender the ball each time he took a snap. Especially when he was in shot-gun, he merely ran backwards in attempts to ward off the Texas OT's instead of trying to scramble inside, he simply lacked confidence in his O-line and would leave the pocket. Potts was just as rattled if not more than Gilbert the entire game. Potts gave Tech no chance whatsoever to win this game. The Tech offense overall just stunk up The Jones last night. Baron Batch could not run the ball and he looked pathetic each time he tried running with it. The most yards Batch managed to gain were when Potts threw an interception and Batch ran after the Texas defensive player who caught it; Batch managed to catch up to the defender and tackled him a few yards short of crossing the plane.
Tech's hopes looked really good in the final quarter there for a short-lived while. Gilbert looked like he was driving his offense towards another touchdown and Tech fans were just ready to throw our hands up in surrender mode. But then our defense caught their second wind after being tired out obviously after having had to be on the field for way too long, for way too much playing time, and they stood up to the task and managed to stop the Texas O-line as they were near the Tech 27 yard line. Then it happened, Tech's cornerback (#7) Ford did the unspeakable, he went rogue and taunted the Texas receiver as he stopped him from gaining yards thus a first down. A stupid thing to do. Although the Texas defenders were taunting the Red Raiders from time to time and had just gotten away with having done so the very drive which saw Tech get stopped cold. Ford's taunting call cost Tech dearly and gave the Longhorns a first down. A first down which would allow Gilbert and company to put together another drive which would help them get their final touchdown of the night. Unfortunately for Tech, this was the touchdown which would put the final nail in the coffin, per se. The game was out of reach for certain as time was running out and Tech was now down by 10 instead of three points. Unlike previous years when Tech had better quarterbacks who could incite confidence in his offensive line and in Tech fan's, instead Potts just brings out the fear in everyone around him due to his own fear and lack of confidence. Each time our Tech offense took the field in the second half, you could hear a pin drop as Tech fan's stopped breathing because they just knew that Potts was not going to do anything good, the lack of being able to breathe due to the fact that Potts would more so do something stupid rather than something positive.
I am not sure what Tuberville has up his sleeve going further into the season but for sure he needs to consider replacing Potts. He needs to stop being so damn arrogant and stubborn and just admit that Tech's chances for winning a game are not good at all in the hands of one Taylor Potts. Tuberville really needs to replace Potts and give Sheffield a shot of being the Tech starting qb. Even the third string qb Seth Doege would be better in the qb position than Potts. With Potts leading any Tech drive, their chances diminish and the game clearly goes to the Pot.

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