This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template by Dora D. Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;
Online Media Contributor: theEXaminer 2007; Online Media Contributor: SB Nation 2007

Monday, September 6, 2010

All Things Texas Tech: Tech 35 - SMU 27: You can call it a win, but...

Even back during the SWC days, Texas Tech could always muster a bigger margin of victory over the SMU "donks" then they managed to swing this past Sunday.
Sure Texas Tech won in the end, and like my own Mom said, a win is a win. True that - true that; however, if Tech can only manage to beat the likes of SMU by a mere 8 points - how in the world are our Red Raiders going to figure out a win over the other opponents on their schedule this season…especially the really tough opponents which shall remain nameless.
The worse part being the fact that Tech had significant leads throughout the game over SMU only to allow it to diminish by 8 points by the end of the game. AT half-time Tech lead the Pony's 21- 7 then by 35 - 17 after three quarters. SMU lost the ball four times and Tech only managed to convert their errors into points on two occasions. The "Potts to Leong" connection soon enough lost its luster as SMU figured things out and started covering better. Tubberville's decision to go for the fourth down ala that “QB sneak” quickly went awry (Potts fumbled and Batch recovered). Coach Leach would more than likely have succeeded in that instance. WHY? Because that is the kind of coach Mike Leach is…always more savvy, comfortable and having more than one play in his medulla oblongata in a fourth down situation. Besides most opposing coaches know that Coach Leach was more apt to go for it on fourth down so it more so rattled the nerves of the opponents; often Techs offense was able to get the first down by drawing the defense off-sides. Tubberville's offense did not appear comfortable the entire evening. Going on fourth down when he did only made us Tech fans remember how Potts seems to lose his nerve during the difficult times. Potts is clearly not a clutch QB...not now, not ever. Potts is too timid. He wasn't even relaxed enough in his own back-yard at "The Jones" so how are us Tech fans supposed to feel about him when Tech has to play the away games. I posted on my FB wall yesterday that Potts seemed to "wreak" when it was time to "wreck".
Team Leach was closely watching. And NO, we are not Texas Tech haters, we love our university, our athletic programs and our athletes...we want Tech to succeed. But, if the SMU game is any indicator of what Tubberville is going to bring to Lubbock, which is not a good defense or offense, then it's going to be a long, rough season for Tech fans. Plus it will only prove that Team Leach was justified in being livid last year when Myers, Hance and Pierce fired Coach Leach; when they brought an end to our "Pirate Nation" era and quite possibly an end to our "Air Raid". The overall conclusion could very well be that those three unjustly brought an end to the success of our Red Raider football program; an end to the success and notoriety celebrated under the helm of Coach Mike Leach. The bumbling Tech admin (the "three horsemen") alone who took away Leach and gave us Tubberville and company. And for the record, Tommy Tubberville does not replace the true meaning of our beloved "Double T" logo.
Like I stated, Tubberville's team was not impressive at all…Potts was never comfortable in his QB position, he was hot and cold - from one extreme to another, but never in the middle. The WR's seemed to be the lone heroes of the day (Leong and Lewis). Not even our kicker (the "walk-on" himself) Matt Williams (aka: "Lynwood") could add points on the board for Tech; two of his kicks blocked by SMU's Hunt. I just hope Matt is not going to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors, Donnie Carona and Cory Fowler.
All I know is that when my beloved Texas Tech Nation has to bite its nails and watch a game wind down like it did versus SMU and think "we could lose this game"…it is time to get serious about what changes need to come to pass. First and foremost I strongly believe that the starting QB position should be changed from Potts to Sheffield aka: "Sticks"! Our running game needs major improvement as well. Coach Leach was known for the spread and for the passing game, yet our running game seemed more successful under his watch then it did all day long on Sunday under the new Tubberville watch; a run and shoot system which is supposed to be more of a Tubberville forte, but was executed more successfully in years past under “Our Captain”. As for the running game, Batch and Stephens need to strengthen their play ability ASAP. Batch turned out to be a "Leach Hater" and turned Judas to Mike Leach's cause ultimately going around saying some nasty things about our former coach. Baron, you now need to "put up or SHUT ‘TF’ UP!"..."put your money where your mouth is". Your play on Sunday also wreaked when it should have wrecked.
No, sir, Team Leach never stated we hated Texas Tech, we were just disappointed in the actions of our crooked administration (namely the three aforementioned men aka: the "three horsemen"). Disappointed at the year-long+ scheming between the three men with their planning and then firing Coach Leach followed by the numerous lies they then told after they finally succeeded at their dirty deed to rid themselves of the most successful coach in Tech history. Team Leach was formed and we members came together to ask the questions which needed to be asked…questions which we as Texas Tech fans and/or alumni deserved to be answered. We were merely holding the Tech admin responsible and accountable for such atrocious acts against our Coach and indirectly against our university, our team and our football program's overall success.
Team Leach was watching for sure this past Sunday, and we have more questions...this time for Tubberville and company…Tubberville aka: “the savior” of our ticket sales. The new head coach who allegedly helped to sell more tickets than any coach at Tech in our history. Could that largely be because Tech just added several thousand more seats to "The Jones"...or maybe the fact that "controversy sells"! Don't give Tubberville too much credit. One, he was doing part of his job by touring the country and trying to sell tix. Second, as always is in history, the monetary factor will always grow because of the impact the economy has...i.e. the outrageous cost of ticket prices from one season to the next. Meaning? Not one game this year sees Texas Tech fans able to purchase them for under $40 a game. In seasons not so long ago, my family and I attended games that went for $25 a ticket. That fact alone (increase in ticket costs) is why Tech not Tubberville sold more tix and made the millions of buck$. Losing Coach Leach served more as an impact for huge ticket sales as fans everywhere are wanting to see the Texas Tech games just to see what the new head coach will bring to Raider Nation.
Just one game out, though, and Tubberville showed much negative and little positive, but I shall not give up. I will continue to have high hopes for my Red Raiders, always proud to be part of Tech than not. I will hope for better games and victories, and will allow for anyone to tell me "I told you so"...this only allowed when Texas Tech wins more games than not at the end of the year and succeeds to another bowl bid or maybe a BCS (ahem). That is when and only when I will allow myself to be approached by anyone with that comment…“I told you so”.
Next week sees our beloved Red Raiders at UNM...better luck with that game/that team than this last game versus SMY, guys! For now...Team Leach continues to watch and pose questions.

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